5 Essential Oils That Can Reset Your Hormones

Recent studies indicate that essential oils might actually regulate and rest hormones, which is especially beneficial in women. Thyme could contribute to breast cancer prevention, while basil reduces stress. Rose oil works as an anxiety and depression reliever, while patchouli works as an anti-depressant. Clary sage is believed to be a boon for women as it regulates cortisol levels and soothes menopause symptoms.
We’re all aware of the wide array of benefits that herbs have to offer. We’re also aware of how delicate the balance of hormones is in our bodies. But, what is the connection between the two? Turns out, essential oils could actually help reset your hormones.
Hormones And Essential Oils
Hormones are released by various glands in the endocrine system. They control biological processes in the body such as blood sugar control, functions of the reproductive body, body growth, and energy production.
Essential oils are found in various parts of plants (roots, flowers, barks, stems, and seeds). They are natural, volatile compounds that give plants and herbs a distinctive aroma. The composition of these essential oils differs based on geography, season, weather, and the distillation process used to produce them. Studies show that some of these herbs and their essential oils could help the body regain hormonal balance essential for smooth functioning.
5 Essential Oils To Reset Your Hormones
1. Thyme
Thyme essential oil is distilled from its flowers and leaves. It contains medicinal components and is commonly used as a herb and spice in many cuisines around the world. One of the most important qualities of thyme is its effect on the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which makes it very useful in the treatment of breast cancer. According to a study, a diet rich in thyme honey may prevent cancer-related processes in the breast, prostate, and endometrial cancer cells.
Additionally, thyme essential oil is also known to improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, and remove scars. Apart from this, thyme is known for its antispasmodic and anti-rheumatic benefits.
2. Basil
Basil is a culinary herb and is referred to as the king of herbs. It has been used around the world, especially in Indian Ayurveda and Chinese medicines, for thousands of years. Basil could stimulate hormones that regulate the body’s natural response to stress. It also relieves exhaustion and sleep-related problems.
3. Rose
Rose might stand for all things related to romance, and it’s used in a lot of beauty treatments. One of its least-known aspects, however, is its therapeutic effects. It relieves anxiety, helps balance your hormones, and reduces depression. Rose oil is said to balance sex hormones and thus affect the libido.
4. Patchouli
Patchouli is a small bushy herb cultivated in Asian countries like China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Mauritius, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan. It has been used in perfumes and insect repellents for a long time now and also as an antidepressant. Inhalation of the patchouli essential oil is said to release serotonin and dopamine in our body. These hormones play a role in relieving anxiety and anger.
5. Clary Sage
Clary sage is hailed for its benefits for women. It helps with womb- and uterus-related issues and also in regulating menstrual cycles. It also brings down cortisol levels in women. It affects the estrogen hormone, which soothes symptoms of menopause in women.
The potential of essential oils has just been tapped into. Not only are they all natural but they also don’t have as many staggering side effects as most other medicines. However, before you use essential oils to reset your hormones, make sure to check for any allergies that you might have. Use it as a supplementary alternative medicine and see how well it works out for you.
Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.
On – 21 Sep, 2017 By Eshita Srinivas
Lavender Essential Oil the Handmade Cosmetic
When it comes to manufacturing handmade cosmetics one ingredient no crafter should be without is lavender essential oil. Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) possess antibacterial proprieties, is gentle to both oily and dry skin, and has the ability to relieve such conditions as muscle pain, insomnia, headaches, burns, bug bites, acne, psoriasis, and eczema making it the most versatile of essential oils. It is also one of the few essential oils that can be used as a top or middle note in perfume due to its fresh, floral smell and affordable price.
Here are a few recipe ideas for using lavender in handmade cosmetics:
Try relaxing in order to reduce the amount of a life as you experience. Your skin can actually be damaged from stress. Your complexion can get cleared up significantly when you reduce environmental and emotional stressors. It will surely improve upon other areas in your life also.
Hair Care Products: Blend lavender with apple cider vinegar and nettle herbs for a normal-to-dry hair rinse. You can also try combing lavender, peppermint, and rosemary essential oils along with jojoba and oat extract, which produce a very effective scalp oil treatment.
Bath and Body Care Products: Add lavender to toners, facial creams, and body lotions to combat acne or dry skin conditions. Lavender essential oil combined with dried lavender buds, dead sea salt, Epsom salt, and powdered milk make for a lovely bath salt recipe. Blend jojoba with rose geranium, lavender, sandalwood, and vanilla for a sexy and sweet feminine perfume oil.
You can improve your skin quality by using a homemade mask for you face that will give you glowing skin. Then add ground orange peel into your mixture. Apply this to your facial area and have it set for 15 minutes.
A word of caution, due to their volatility, research any essential oil, and always do a skin patch test before use.
Soaps: Try adding tea tree and lavender essential oils to opaque melt and pour soap base along with pumice (sprinkled at the bottom of your soap mold) for an exfoliating and deodorizing soap bar.
Honey is a great skin mask. Honey is great at keeping redness of the skin look more vibrant. A honey mask used once a weekly basis.
Salves, Ointments, and Balms: Lavender blended with neem seed oil or comfrey root powder produces a salve that soothes itching caused by insect bites, bruises, burns, and even diaper rash. Add cinnamon and clove for a pain-relieving muscle rub ointment. Use lavender by itself as a gardener’s salve to help chapped hands or as a temple balm to aid in falling asleep and to quell headaches.